Policies and Procedures

Writing Sustainability Policies

Sustainability and CSR Policies

As we move into a time where more emphasis is placed on Corporate Social Responsibility, having your organisational sustainability policies documented is highly recommended, as well as a requirement of being in the supply chain of many large companies.  These policies can take many forms, with some included in your CSR – however, this article details areas that we have seen more focus on into 2022.

Environmental Sustainability 

These policies activities that you undertake to reduce your carbon footprint and increase positive environmental impact.  We can help assess your contributions to environmental protection through recycling, energy consumption, transportation and donations.

Water Management and Sustainability Policies

This is a key area of focus in 2022. Demonstrating effective water stewardship and understanding the amount of water required to produce items that are not always required to operate your organisation is important.

Supply Chain Sustainability 

Here, you illustrate your understanding and controls around your supply chain and procurement process. Every company procures goods and services in some form or another – be it computers, subcontracting or raw materials.  Tying in supply chain sustainability with CSR, Modern Slavery and grading suppliers by their positive environmental and social value contributions is something many companies are doing at the moment, and in the future should become the norm.

How Policy Pros can Help with Sustainability Policies

We have written many sustainability and procurement policies for our 100+ clients over the last few years, and are currently up to date with all of the latest guidance and legislation.  If you would like to have a chat about how you can improve your existing documentation, or have new policies and procedures written, please contact us and we will be happy to answer any questions.


Office: 01244 342 618

Mobile Numbers

Joanne: 07764 258 001
Shaun:   07908 688 170